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Valve Selection & Specification Guide for Building Services

De-alloying corrosion, known as ”Dezincification,“ was effectively eradicated from valve products in the 1950s. Today, however, this problem has returned with the increased use of high-zinc alloys (commonly referred to as ‘Yellow Brass’) in forged and cast valves typically produced outside the United States.

Dezincification selectively removes zinc from the alloy, leaving behind a porous, copper-rich structure that has little mechanical strength. The physical attributes of an in-service valve with Dezincification includes a white powdery substance or mineral stains on its exterior surface.

What’s the cure? On all bronze valves the metal components in the waterway must not contain more than 15% zinc in their chemical makeup. As a standard NIBCO bronze fire protection valves are made to be “Dezincification Resistant,” which is a seal of quality and longevity.

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NVFfue encontrado en 1959, somos profesionales en la fabricación de forja válvula de acero y fundición de acero de la válvula, válvula de compuerta, válvula de globo, válvula de retención, válvula de bola, válvula de mariposa, válvula de enchufe y así sucesivamente..